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PLS Teacher Blog Number 8 – Maxine

New term. New classes. More work.

It’s strange to think that the notion of having more work can actually bring forth excitement. A new set of faces to recognise and personalities to get to know.

After two weeks of isolation, I was extremely worried, and I felt that I had forgotten everything about what I needed to do in a classroom.  It made it all the scarier when I found out I was being observed. You quickly learn that as a teacher you have to believe in yourself and trust your process.

Things can get overwhelming at times but knowing that you have a support system can really get you through the tougher days. I’m extremely lucky to have supportive colleagues and an amazing English cohort, who are available to talk through any difficulty.

Each week my confidence increases, and I feel more and more like a teacher. I thought I’d be used to being called ‘miss’ by now, but it is still so strange to have students look up to you for answers – considering many of us were in their shoes not long ago.

It’s not easy, but nothing worth having ever is!”