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PLS Teacher Blog number 3 – Maxine

“To grow is to persevere through trials and tribulations, being able to adapt through all situations”

As student teachers we quickly learn new ways to mould ourselves to what other teachers expect us to be, to what students need us to be and what we want for ourselves.

Our cohort is a special one. With all the expectations set on us we have to deal with a greater evil. Covid-19. The uncertainty is paralysing. Not knowing what the future of teaching may hold, while simultaneously looking after the fears of the young minds to whom you have to hide your own.

I’m sure you can all agree with me that learning to teach with everything that is currently happening is an experience that not many others have faced. And we hope not many more will. But it is with these experiences that we learn to adapt, we learn to persevere and we are able to become the best we can be.

So far, my experience has been unique, and I have loved every second of it. I’ve always looked up to my teachers and becoming one has taken me through so many emotions. I wake every morning feeling excited to come into school, it’s funny what a few years outside school can do.
Teaching is hard. Teaching with Covid is harder. The reward, priceless.