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PLS Teacher Blog 10 – Maxine
It’s crazy to think that 60 years ago the mere thought of online teaching may have sounded completely foolish. In many ways, it still does. The impersonal lessons can get extremely difficult for those listening in and those teaching them. You are not able to read your students’ faces and have to rely on pre-recordings and zoom to help in delivering lessons without a glitch.
Gone are the days of paper registers and playing in playgrounds and hello to long hours at home facing a screen. Gone are the days of posters and creative teaching methods and hello to lecture style lessons. Gone are the days of collaborative learning and hello to long hours of independent work.
One thing is for sure. It will get better.
Online platforms are working hard, every day to improve the consumer experience, and everyone is getting used to this ‘new world order’. Again, we can rely on our ability to adapt through all situations.